Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said today the recovery process at Ensham was a costly, complex and painstaking process that needed to be completed quickly.
To speed up the recovery process, approvals for the mine's recovery work will be fast-tracked by the State Government.
Minister for Infrastructure Paul Lucas said up to 3000 jobs, direct and indirect, would be jeopardised if the recovery was not completed quickly.
“I have now taken the step of prescribing the recovery project to give the Coordinator-General powers to nominate mandatory completion dates in this process," Lucas said.
“This move will slash red tape, cut delays and allow the Coordinator-General to step in and take over responsibility if the parties involved failed to comply with his mandated deadlines.”
Ensham CEO John Pegler said the mine had been reduced to less than 50% of capacity for more than three months while a large proportion of its highest quality coal was inaccessible in a flooded pit.
It is also waiting to retrieve a 3000-tonne dragline worth more than $100 million that was submerged when the floods hit.
“We must put the damaged pits back in operation without further delays, together with the necessary protection of our mine, men and machinery from future flooding," Pegler said.
“The announcement of prescribed projects status to provide coordinated input and approvals from all relevant authorities should ensure a much better outcome for all parties in reinstating the levee system and getting this operation back on track."