Michael Huggins

Coal mines expect to be hit hard by the Safeguard Mechanism.

Helping miners manage the Safeguard Mechanism

Safeguard Mechanism poses some serious challenges, particularly for coal miners

04 December 2023

Mining trucks are one of the largest emitters on a mine site.

Innovation to ensure Safeguard compliance

Array of technologies and methodologies being developed to help

29 November 2023

The need to better manage data led Partners in Performance to buy Data Stories.

Boost for scheduling

Aims to improve the short-term scheduling end of the mining process

12 December 2022

Even though it has been going for more than 100 years, the way Kennecott has been mined has not materially changed.

Future of surface mining

Surface miners facing competing challenges of greater production and reduced energy use

07 October 2022

Cracks showing in the Australian market.

Micromine deal shows cracks in Australian market

Poor access to finance costing Australia some of its top METS companies.

09 September 2022


Turning Tailings into Treasure: A New Generation of Best Practice

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia's Mining Monthly annual Tailings Report.


Clariant's Tailings Management Program

Mining Journal, Mining Magazine and Australia's Mining Monthly speaks with Clariant


Clariant's Circularity-Inspired Tailings Solutions

Clariant contributes to value creation with innovative and sustainable solutions


Tailor-made Tailings Solutions

SRK Consulting helps to design, construct, operate and close innovative tailings

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Monthly Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the mining sector, brought to you by the Mining Monthly Intelligence team.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Exploration Report 2024 (feat. Opaxe data)

A comprehensive review of exploration trends and technologies, highlighting the best intercepts and discoveries and the latest initial resource estimates.


Mining Magazine Intelligence Future Fleets Report 2024

The report paints a picture of the equipment landscape and includes detailed profiles of mines that are employing these fleets


Mining Magazine Intelligence Digitalisation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations that use digitalisation technology to drive improvements across all areas of mining production


Mining Magazine Intelligence Automation Report 2023

An in-depth review of operations using autonomous solutions in every region and sector, including analysis of the factors driving investment decisions